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Export Market Development Grants

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The scheme includes inbound tourism businesses and the export of intellectual property and know-how. The Export Market Development Grants scheme encourages small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets. The Grant reimburses up to 50% of expenses incurred in eligible export promotion activities above a $15,000 threshold and provides up to 7 grants to each eligible applicant. To access the Export Market Development Grant scheme for the first time, businesses need to have spent over $15,000 over a 2-year period on eligible export marketing expenses.

An applicant’s turnover should not exceed $30M in the grant year. Applicants can be Australian individuals, partnerships, companies, associations, cooperatives, statutory corporations or trusts, that have carried on export promotion activities during the year for which they wish to apply for an export grant.

Expenses relating to exports to New Zealand are not claimable.

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